
Posts Tagged ‘t’

head in the clouds.

In Uncategorized on April 11, 2012 at 6:00 pm

i had a very relaxed day today, i don’t ever like to relax although medically i think i should, either for my physical health or mental health. but for me to relax i need to be able to switch off. 

i am always thinking about someone, something, how to do something or where i want to be. there is always something going on in my head. i like to think it is imagination, but the hyperactivity makes it really difficult for me to sit down and enjoy something, to enjoy things. 

wikipedia defines imagination as-

the ability of forming images and sensations when they are not perceived through sight, hearing, or other senses.

so every time that i am thinking it is my imagination firing up, maintaining the fire in the stoke. the steam train is ploughing along at 100 miles per hour winding through the vast countryside that is my mind. 

sometimes i cannot concentrate and i get very easily distracted. how do you concentrate? how do you switch off and focus what is important?